Documenting the Journey: Mini Albums for Messy Memories

Make It from Your Heart

If you’ve ever moved, then we don’t need to tell you that things can get crazy. The dismantled house, the endless stuff you’d forgotten you had, the list of chores that make cleaning seem like it’s the only life you’ve ever known, and, of course, the interminable boxes that pile up like dirty laundry.UnknownWhether you’re moving because you want to or moving because you have to, we can all agree that it’s a glorious day indeed once the moving is over, and everyone and everything has finally begun to settle into the new place.Unknown-2But even though it’s a ton of work, moving brings many good things that are worth documenting. It’s a special time because the process not only moves the stuff outside of us, but also the stuff inside of us.Unknown-3It moves us into places filled with new neighbors, new grocery stores, and new dreams. We gradually become familiar with…

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